tiistai 9. marraskuuta 2010

Father's Day

So, what to do when sick and you want to go to office and outside but you just can't? You finish making Father's day present! I can post about it even though its not Father's day yet cause my dad doesn't use computer and also, doesn't speak English either.

These socks were made out of 7 veljestä Raita yarn. Blue-ish grey-ish boy-ish. Perfect for daddy.

Dad also had been asking about my shodo work (japanese calligraphy) so I decided to include some of my "work" in package as well. The paper is "bamboo paper" so its very very thin and wrinkles up easily.

Shinpo - progress, development

And of course a nice card to finish the package. Now I will just wait until I am healthy enough to go to work and mail the package, yay!

And now its also snowing a lot outside. Sigh. Better to get healthy soon!

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