sunnuntai 27. maaliskuuta 2011
Experimental (especially mental) kitchen part 61
So, the spring is approaching and how do you know that? Its warm enough outside so you can enjoy ice cream there. But you know.. There are missing some very important flavors, atleast I haven't spotted these in Finnish stores. One of them is naturally beer. And I tell you this, self-made beer ice cream is very delicious.

maanantai 14. maaliskuuta 2011
It is really horrible to see what's going on in Japan. I am glad all my friends are okay but I know many who haven't contacted all of their friends and/or relatives.
lauantai 5. maaliskuuta 2011
Days of my life
Are going way too fast.
Weeks go by so that I cannot even realize its weekend again. I am not really overloaded by things that I do, time just simply goes so fast. Work, thai boxing, calligraphy... All the free time I have is usually spent with friends and if I happen to have a day off at home, then it feels like time is going really slowly.
Nevertheless its also a good thing! I can't wait for summer to come and its anymore 6 weeks (or 40 days now) to my winter holiday.
But I really should try to pull myself together and finish some of the projects I have. Too many unfinished socks, amigurumi and games. Maybe I need a schedule for wasting time.
Weeks go by so that I cannot even realize its weekend again. I am not really overloaded by things that I do, time just simply goes so fast. Work, thai boxing, calligraphy... All the free time I have is usually spent with friends and if I happen to have a day off at home, then it feels like time is going really slowly.
Nevertheless its also a good thing! I can't wait for summer to come and its anymore 6 weeks (or 40 days now) to my winter holiday.
But I really should try to pull myself together and finish some of the projects I have. Too many unfinished socks, amigurumi and games. Maybe I need a schedule for wasting time.
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