Vaihteeksi taas postaus suomeksi..
Ei ole ollut oikein aihetta postata mitään, ja aikakin mennyt pelatessa Final Fantasy XIII:ta. Nyt kun vihdoin pelin sain korkattua, olisi siellä vielä Bayonetta ja Assassins Creed II pelaamatta. Ja postiin tulossa God of War III. Huoh. Liikaa hyviä pelejä, liian vähän aikaa.
No viikonloppu hurahti aika hauskoissa menoissa. Ensin oli naapuriravintola Oivan 70v synttärit ja piti niitä käydä juhlistamassa. Oli hyvää kakkua! Avomies ei vain hirveästi arvostanut meininkiä siellä, mutta jokin savomainen fiilis siellä on mikä minuun uppoaa. Pari kaveria tuli siinä myös käymään ja sattuipa pöytään taikurikin. Hauska tyyppi, ja kaiken v***uilun ja ankaran kritiikinkin jälkeen hän osasi tehdä taikatemppuja. Vaikka ei se mielestäni kovin matemaattista pohdintaa ole jos näytetään kaksi palloa ja laitetaan ne käteen ja kysytään miten monta kädessä pitäisi niitä olla. Ei se vastaus jotenkin vain tunnu olevan 12 vaikka näin olikin tässä tapauksessa.
Ilta sitten huipentui Aikakoneen keikkaan! Vähän vain epäiltiin, että paikalla olisikin vain miesstrippari kun nimikin oli kirjoitettu Aika Kone. Hienon keikan kyllä vetivät, olisi vain voinut olla pidempi, snif.
Ja kuvatodiste matkalta..
maanantai 31. toukokuuta 2010
lauantai 8. toukokuuta 2010
Mayday and other nonsense
Lots has happened since I last time wrote a blog entry.
First it was Mayday, which Finnish laborers usually celebrate drinking cause they get a day off. Unfortunately it was Saturday and it was raining. People also start the celebration on Mayday eve. But this time I didn't! Just stayed at home and had a few beers. On next day me and my boyfriend went to have brunch with my friends and the food was just delicious! Usually when you order á la carte meals you only get really tiny steak, so we ordered appetizers and main course. Well as it turned out, both meals were huge, atleast to me. So in the end I could only eat half of the main course, sorry chef!

First it was Mayday, which Finnish laborers usually celebrate drinking cause they get a day off. Unfortunately it was Saturday and it was raining. People also start the celebration on Mayday eve. But this time I didn't! Just stayed at home and had a few beers. On next day me and my boyfriend went to have brunch with my friends and the food was just delicious! Usually when you order á la carte meals you only get really tiny steak, so we ordered appetizers and main course. Well as it turned out, both meals were huge, atleast to me. So in the end I could only eat half of the main course, sorry chef!

I bought this Tinker Bell balloon from work
Later my friend came over and we drank and ate some more and played Band Hero and Singstar... And then the next day wasn't so nice. But it was great Mayday nevertheless!
Two days ago I also saw my friend from Netherlands. He was in Finland as an exchange student when I was studying and he visits pretty regularly here.
Oh yeah and hockey season started! I'm not really into Finnish championship games or NHL but world champion competition is a must. So, today, Finland vs. Denmark. I wonder which one will win ;)
Also today is my friends house warming party and I finally get to meet their kittens, though they are probably grown up already.
Also today is my friends house warming party and I finally get to meet their kittens, though they are probably grown up already.
Well.. Now that you think about it, nothing much has really happened. But it was an excuse to update anyway!
perjantai 7. toukokuuta 2010
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