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We've been eating duck for past two days. It was very delicious but today it was time for junk food. My boyfriend brought us some kebab from next door and it seems that they are pretty artistic!

The text of course indicates whether the kebab has french fries or rice to go with it. It was delicious nevertheless!
Soon its Mayday again. I don't really have any big plans for it, going for a brunch with friends and then later drinking some sparkling wine at home. But it still sounds nice to me.
Okay, this pretty thing is my crystal Tinker Bell from Disneyworld. I love Disney so it was like a dream come true when I finally visited Disneyworld last autumn. Sorry about the bad picture, crystal and glass aren't exactly easiest things to photograph.
Joten ohessa pieni yhteenveto, mistä voitte lukea Mallorcan reissustamme.
Unfortunately this is not in english.
So yeah, me and my boyfriend were going to Mallorca today 7:05 am. But due volcano eruption there's a little change of plans. I didn't want to spend my holiday just sitting at home and we have a week free time so a new glance at options was needed. It took a lot of hassle today and we got all sorted out finally by the evening BUT! we are leaving tomorrow Finland, and be back on the 23rd day. Where are we going? Well, I will post about our trip later ;)
To be continued...
I love coffee, I drink at least 3 cups a day. Milk, no sugar. I also drink cappuccino when its available and good. Therefore I have many coffee cups, and since coffee is important, so are the tools for drinking it.
So I present you, another pretty thing of the week!
Kutojapuput by Heljä Liukko-Sundström
Today was a great and sunny day, I put on my skirt and went for a walk (aka shopping) with my boyfriend. I bought a few books - Heräämisopas, comic album by Arktinen Banaani and Retkidikter. Heräämisopas and Arktinen Banaani were both comics, first one made fully by my favourite Finnish bad humour artist, Pertti Jarla. And I also like to support some of the Finnish comic artists, though really rare of them actually are good (sorry - but the fake-artist-emo-s**t isn't really for me). Retkidikter was a great palindrome poem book made by Simo Frangén and Pasi Heikura. I will post one of their poems here as a teaser, unfortunately its not in English and probably wouldn't make any sense even if I tried to translate it:
Gin Tonic (by Simo Frangén and Pasi Heikura)
Viinaa sitruksilla.
Kallis kurtisaani ivaa.
After our walk we went to Oluthuone Kaisla, one of the best "beer houses" in Finland. It serves my absolute favourite beer at the moment, Ola Dubh. Its damn expensive but you can enjoy a bottle every once in a while. On this weekend is also the Helsinki Beer Festival 2010. Unfortunately I won't be there, have to sort things out before leaving to Mallorca on next Friday. Bye-bye whiskey clinic, maybe I will see you next year!
Today I saw some foamy material and had all sorts of ideas what to do with it. First I imagined it would be perfect for blocks which made me think of Tetris and that my boyfriend is a big fan of that game. I made some blocks, attached them on the wall next to his workspace. And since he approved it and didn't tear it down, I guess I can post a picture of the result in here as well!
Easter really felt like mini vacation. And since it wasn't really sunny either, we just sat at home, watching movies and gaming. Time well spent! But after long time, I finally felt well rested. Usually weekends just fly by so you don't even notice them but this time it really felt like weekend. Though I got really confused about the days, it felt like it was Sunday everyday. But! I actually did something else than watched TV all the time. I found that my sketchbook cover was a bit too dull so I cut and glued some dull single coloured origami paper on it. The result:
Basically what I did was just cut paper without really thinking what I was doing.
I've also been trying to hunt down a blender, haven't yet found one that's just for me. Oh yeah, and almost finished a pair of wool socks. Spring is coming but there's never too many wool socks.
I have seen this idea in many other blogs too and I just thought its so great I wanted to steal it for myself too (since I cannot come up with anything as unique and cool).

So in this picture is a mouse pad I got as christmas present from my boyfriend. I am a big fan of Disney and I spend most of day at computer so this is probably one of the greatest things I have.
Picture is related.